Home / About us

Our story

In the summer of 2016 I wanted to find help for cleaning my house in Aalborg, Denmark. But when I searched Google for help, the sites where this kind of help was available, wasn't very good. There were only a few results and the ones that appeared was lacking several important details of what was offered and what to expect. Besides, the pages on which help was announced, weren't very appealing and difficult to get around. This herafter led to the initial thoughts, that this could be done much better.

In february 2017 we therefore started designing and developing a new portal with this exact purpose. The site was developed with background in my previous needs and understanding of what it should contain - and how it should work. The initial beta-release of Helpsoon was then launched on August 1st., 2018. After several month of testing and fixing errors, the final version was lauched in April, 2019, after which the first users slowly started rolling on to our platform.

Our mision

To offer the best and most simple edition of an online community for offering jobs and working help between people. The community must give the users the option of creating job adds within a range of categories like house cleaning, babysitting, gardening etc.

Also to provide private persons and companies the possibility of offering thier help to others, regarding execution of tasks - within the before mentioned categories - in thier homes and surroundings.

Our slogan

Helpsoon - Help between People.

Contact - and input for improvements

Our wish, at all times, is to do our best in the things we do, and to constantly improve. One part of this wish is that we always listen to our users - you, to hear what you think about the things we do and how we do it. To get feedback and suggestions to improvements of our portal and site, but also in the ways we communicate, which we believe can always get better.

Send us an email or write us through social medias (see links at the bottom) - and tell us what you think. We listen a lot and appreciate all the feedback we get. 1000 times thank you


The web portal "HelpSoon" - is owned, powered and a part of Latego ApS - CVR: 30549295, - a company registrered in Denmark.
